We have entered into a new year. It is relevant and appropriate that we reflect on Meister Eckhart’s bellybutton theology. Only God has no bellybutton. All of us have a bellybutton right there in our centers to remind us that life is a gift-entirely gift. The apposite response to this implausible gift is gratitude. But appreciativeness does not come easily and impulsively for us. Our culture is bent on economic growth, and economic growth is dependent upon the constant stimulation of our appetites to want more. We are conditioned to be more “graspy”. We believe we become worth by showing off our acquisitions.
Have we ever wondered why it is that we have to teach our children to say “thank you”. Would it not just be a natural and reasonable thing to do, given the gifted character of life? Should not our children be able to figure out how much that is undeserved flows into them? But, it is precisely that giftedness to which we are blinded by sin. Consequently, our prideful egos convince us that we are getting what we deserve. We often think we are the centre around which universe revolves. We even think that we are the universe. But our bellybutton reminds us that we are not that centre of the universe.
Therefore, “thank you” is primal and primary. In 2012, let us treat each person we meet with the gloves of “thank you”. Let us say “thank you” to the living God from whom all blessing flow. Let me close with the words of Mathew Fox, “If the only prayer you say in your entire life is “thank you” that would suffice”.
Wish you all a very blessed New Year! God bless!
Gratitude is the language of the heart.
Thank you for this write up, achen.
Dear Achan, Nice write up. I've found out that gratitude is something which is so difficult to teach others especially children... One more thing...I thought that Adam and Eve also did not have belly buttons...
@ Prince: Thanks
@JK: Thanks. Its an interesting observation about Adam and Eve.
"Thank You!"
@Jade: "thanks'
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