Sunday, April 29, 2012

Loving Jesus for stones turned into bread is like loving our cow for grass turned into milk

Why do we love God? Do we love god, because He is the dispenser of heavenly goodies? Do we love God, because He is God? A life full of profit would pack the churches. Jesus did not do a thorough market research before He decided to launch his mission of the Kingdom of God. But Jesus did consider the options. Jesus was not willing to prostitute his divinity by dazzling the masses or by building a following based on free food (Matthew 4: temptation of Jesus). Loving Jesus for stones turned into bread is like loving our cow for grass turned into milk. To love God as God is to follow Jesus on the way of the cross and not just in the Palm Sunday parade and to allow the spirit to fashion us.

Let me conclude with the words of Mathew Fox (Meditations with Meister Eckhart, 1983), “Some people, I swear, want to love God in the same way as they love a cow. They love it for its milk and cheese and the profit they will derive from it. Those who love God for the sake of outward riches or for the sake of inward consolation operate on the same principle. They are not loving God correctly; they are merely loving their own advantage”. Let us genuinely love God, because He is our God!